1. 美國著名女高音麗莎.德蘭(Lisa Delan)以唱腔清澈嘹亮,純淨優美見稱,她演唱的每一首樂曲都投入十足感情,有令人耳目一新的感覺,她的最新專輯「一道幽光斜照(A Certain Slant Of Light)」演唱美國本土的藝術歌曲,再次顯示出她那獨有的音樂才華。
2. 專輯主題是根據被譽為美國文學史上最偉大詩人之一的埃米莉.伊麗莎白.狄更生(Emily Dickinson)的同名曠世名詩和另外多首傑出詩作所啟發而譜寫的聲樂名曲,創作這些樂曲的包括阿倫.科普蘭(Aaron Copland)、傑克.亨吉(Jake Heggie)、戈登.格蒂(Gordon Getty)和邁可爾.蒂爾森.托瑪斯(Michael Tilson Thomas),精雕細琢的旋律將凝煉精辟的詩句相輔相成地將文學與音樂融合成珍貴的可發聲藝術品。
3. 馬賽愛樂樂團(Orchestre Philharmonique de Marseille)在名指揮家勞倫斯‧福斯特(Lawrence Foster)帶領下配合天才橫溢的麗莎.德蘭絲絲入扣的演唱,每一首歌曲都充滿貴氣和原詩作的特有氣質,牢牢地刻記在每一聽眾的心窩裏。
4. 歌唱家被專業樂評極力讃譽和推許,這包括「留聲機(Gramophone)」、「新音樂鑑賞家 (New Music Connoisseur)」、「博客評論家 (Blog Critics)」和「國際音樂網站 (Music Web International)」等,她展現前所未有的聲音美感令樂迷魂牽夢縈。
Tracklisting :
Aaron Copland (1900-1990)
Eight Poems of Emily Dickinson (1948/1950)
1 Nature, the gentlest mother 3. 48
2 There came a wind like a bugle 1. 36
3 The world feels dusty 1. 39
4 Heart, we will forget him 2. 10
5 Dear March, come in! 2. 17
6 Sleep is supposed to be 2. 31
7 Going to Heaven! 2. 49
8 The Chariot 3. 09
Jake Heggie (b. 1961)
Newer Every Day (2014)
9 Silence 2. 02
10 I’m Nobody! Who are you? 1. 40
11 Fame 1. 01
12 That I did always love 3. 33
13 Goodnight 3. 31
Gordon Getty (b. 1933)
Four Dickinson Songs (2008)
14 Safe in Their Alabaster Chambers 1. 10
15 A Bird Came Down the Walk 1. 37
16 There’s a Certain Slant of Light 1. 51
17 Because I Could Not Stop for Death 2. 11
Michael Tilson Thomas (b. 1944)
Poems of Emily Dickinson, selections (2001)
18 Down Time’s Quaint Stream 1. 15
19 The Bible 4. 36
20 Fame 1. 27
21 The Earth Has Many Keys 2. 30
22 Take All Away From Me 3. 34
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